What It Costs

Why invest thousands of dollars in landscaping only to have it disappear at night

Installation Costs for Professional Outdoor Lighting

A magnificent home that is admired by day with its beautiful landscaping - trees, shrubs, flower gardens - is transformed at night - without landscape lighting - to a dark foreboding area with small puddles of glaring light at the front door.

Why invest thousands of dollars in landscaping only to have it disappear at night when you are at home. After all, most of us are away from home all day and it's night time when we want to enjoy our home and property.

A typical installation* of eight (8) low voltage lights with transformers runs between $85 - $165 per light.

Our total price always includes:

  • All necessary labor and material such as transformer(s), wire, fixtures, etc.
  • Lifetime warranties on ABS well lights, wire and "Unique" transformers.
  • Timers for transformers.
  • Quality proven fixtures
  • Burial of wire in high visibility areas and where subject to physical damage.
  • Initial custom design and layout.
  • Final adjustments if necessary.
  • One year guarantee on all parts and labor

Custom Outdoor Lighting delivers the highest degree of quality and longevity due to the use of weather resistant fixtures such as brass, ABS plastic and stainless steel. We carefully layout each project to minimize glare and create maximum effect using proven lighting methods and techniques.

*prices subject to change